Friday 15 January 2016

#7wb3 #7xd3 #7xc2 Year 7 ICT Exam

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 - To complete the Year 7 ICT Exam

Task 1

  • Complete the year 7 ICT exam
  • Read all questions carefully
  • Try to answer all questions
  • Remain in silence until all papers have been collected in

Task 2

Login to Code Combat using Google+ and your Wildern details

Wednesday 13 January 2016

#11nisc4 Controlled Assessment 2 - Flowcharts 2

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 - To develop flowcharts for AQA Memory Game

Red - You will have created an overview flowchart for the AQA Memory Game
Amber - You will have created flowcharts for task 1-9
Green - You will have added evidence of your flowcharts for task 1-9


  • Open Google Chrome and go to
  • Using the What do I need to do? section complete a flowchart for what will happen in your AQA Memory Game


  • Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 1
  • Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 2
  • Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 3
  • Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 4
  • Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 5
  • Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 6
  • Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 7
  • Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 8
  • Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 9


  • Find out what an IPSO table is and what they are used for
  • Try filling in the IPSO table in your evidence document

#7wa3 - Unit1 - Scratch Lesson 1

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 Demonstrate importing and editing sprites using Scratch

Red - You will have loaded a background into scratch
Amber - You will have loaded a main character and enemy character into scratch
Green - You will have begun to program your main character


  • Create a simple background setting for your game using Adobe Fireworks



  • Load the background that you created onto the stage in scratch

  • Load in the main character and enemy sprites you created last lesson


  • Add blocks to your main character to make it follow the mouse pointer


  • CLICK HERE and download the scratch evidence document
  • Add the evidence to the Lesson 1 table

#10n1 Developing Web Products - Build Your Own Revision Website 2

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 - To learn how create pages from a template in Dreamweaver
LO2 - To learn how to link pages from a template in Dreamweaver

Red - You will have added a banner to your template
Amber - You will have created pages from your template
Green - You will have linked the different pages 



RED TASK - Create Pages from Your Template
  • Create the following pages from your template
    • Homepage
    • How to Make a Template
    • How to Make pages from a template
    • How to Insert an Image
    • How to Make a Link
    • How to Change the Screen Resolution
    • How to Embed Media
    • Visual Accessibility
    • Helpful Websites 
  • Make sure that you save each page with a suitable

AMBER TASK - Link Your Pages

  • Create a link to each of your pages in the navigation bar

GREEN TASK - Begin To Add Content
  • Add explanations and screenshots to the first two pages of your website
    • How to make a template
    • How to make pages from template
  • Make sure any images that you use are saved in the IMAGES folder as PNG or JPEG


Test your website
Open your homepage in Chrome or Internet Explorer
Does it all work correctly? Do you need to change / fix anything?

Complete the skills confidence checklist

#9p5 Future Worlds - Design It

LO1 to understand what a rule is and how they are used in computer games
LO2 to develop a suitable design for your future worlds game
LO3 to understand what a navigation diagram is and how they are used in computer games design

Create a RULES LOG for your game
Draw STORYBOARDS for the different parts of your game 
ANNOTATE all storyboards designs 
Get FEEDBACK comments for all storyboard designs
Create a NAVIGATIONAL DIAGRAM for your game LINK up your completed work on your eportfolio

Monday 11 January 2016

#10pisc6 - Unit2 Hardware - Lesson 6

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 - To understand what input and output devices are
LO2 - To identify a variety of input and output devices and their purpose

Red - You will be able to explain the terms input device & output device
Amber - You will be able identify a variety of input and output devices and their purpose
Green - You will revise your knowledge of hardware ready for the end of unit test



Complete the Input and Output Devices worksheet

For each device on the worksheet match:

  • An image
  • A description
  • An example use




#11nisc4 Controlled Assessment 2 - Flowcharts

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 - To develop flowcharts for AQA Memory Game

Red - You will have created a flowchart for the AQA Memory Game
Amber - You will have created flowcharts for task 1 - 9
Green - You will have completed an IPSO table for task 1 - 9


  • What is a flowchart?
  • What are the symbols?



  • Open Google Chrome and go to
  • Using the What do I need to do? section create a flowchart for AQA Memory Game


  • Create individual flowcharts for tasks 1-9


  • Find out what an IPSO table is and what they are used for
  • Try filling in the IPSO table in your evidence document


  • Make sure all flowcharts have been added to your evidence document in Word
  • Make sure that you have saved your flowcharts and your evidence document

#7xd3 - Unit1 - Scratch - Lesson 3

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 - Understand what a variable is
LO2 - Be able to use a variable in your scratch game

Red - You will understand what a variable is
Amber - You will be able to think of variables that can be used in a computer game
Green - You will have added a variable to control the score to your game



Task 1: Creating a Variable
a) Open your Scratch game and create a 'score' variable

Task 2: Enemy Score
a) Add script to your main character that sets the score to '0' when the game starts

b) Add script to your 'enemy' that will decrease the score by 10 points (-10) when you hit it

Task 3: Collecting Points
a) Load or create a sprite to act as way to collect points (coin, heart, jewel etc.)

b) Add script to your 'good item' that will increase the score by 10 points


Try adding a life or health variable into the game


a) Open your Scratch Evidence Document
b) Complete the Lesson 3 section
c) Save your work

Sunday 10 January 2016

#11misc6 Controlled Assessment 2 - Flowcharts

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 - To develop flowcharts for AQA Memory Game

Red - You will have created a flowchart for the AQA Memory Game
Amber - You will have created flowcharts for task 1 - 9
Green - You will have completed an IPSO table for task 1 - 9


  • What is a flowchart?
  • What are the symbols?



  • Open Google Chrome and go to
  • Using the What do I need to do? section create a flowchart for AQA Memory Game


  • Create individual flowcharts for tasks 1-9


  • Find out what an IPSO table is and what they are used for
  • Try filling in the IPSO table in your evidence document


  • Make sure all flowcharts have been added to your evidence document in Word
  • Make sure that you have saved your flowcharts and your evidence document